Jon Raymond is an American Contemporary Landscape artist influenced by the works of Richard Schmid and Wilson Hurley, among others. Mr. Raymond has made a lifetime of studying the genre and never gets tired of challenging himself; reaching for a quality of work he terms, “Contemporary Realism.” His aesthetic seeks to inspire the viewer to literally feel the heat rising off the desert. Beads of perspiration start to pop up along the collar of your neck, as the inside of your mouth goes bone dry. This is what it is like to view a Jon Raymond landscape.
Mr. Raymond has been enamored of the Southwest throughout his life, taking many study trips through Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. He looks to create “a scene of uninterrupted landscape, like it’s been there forever untouched.” The drama in his paintings comes from the interaction of colors he uses in the skies that backdrop his desert scenes.
Dennis R. Johnson paints under his Sur name JON RAYMOND